

Digital Arts Multimedia Design 1 & 2

Randy Wade


Course Description

9-10-11-12 2.5 Credits
Digital Arts is for students who are interested in art, design, and technology. Students
will be guided through a series of projects designed to teach them how to create
real-world projects while familiarizing them with the tools and options of applicable
software. Students will also learn to create and animate images for web and multimedia
production using various programs. The emphasis in this class will be on effective
visual communication. The elements of design and the principles of visual organization
will be emphasized.
Note: This course may be used for computer literacy credit.


The student will:
● Attain an understanding of applications and limitatons of dgital programs
● Research and emulate established artist and art movements
● Use traditional processes to create computer generated illustrations which communicate
a clear thought


Pretests will be used to assess prior knowledge when starting units. Monitoring will be used to
assess student progress. Critiques will be used to give feedback during and at the end of units.
Assignments will be grade by both student and teacher using an estabished rubric.

Units of Study

Program orientation – students will need to understand applications and limitations of program
Elements & Principles of design – students will research and illustrate elements and principles
of design
Artist Inspiration – students will research and created images based on established artist
Animation – students will create short animations emulating known artists

Missing/Make-Up work

Students who are absent, excused or unexcused, are expected to make up all work. Students
have as many school days to make up work as they were absent, and this time period begins
upon the student’s return to school.


In accordance with the school policy, students with more than (3) unexcused absences in a
marking period will lose the right to attain a weighted letter grade. Credit may still be granted if
a student:
1. completes all missing work within the allowed time frame;
2. demonstrates understanding of all course competencies; and
3. passes the final examination.


At DHS we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is
prohibited in accordance with school policy. This policy prohibits cheating on examinations,
unauthorized collaboration on assignments, unauthorized access to examinations or course
materials, plagiarism, and other proscribed activities.
